15 Images of Martin Scorsese on Set

A lot of things happen to a movie before anyone actually sees it on screen. Most of what happens isn’t even seen on screen when it’s a finished product. The behind the scenes stuff makes up the guts of a film, and I’m in favor of bringing some of that to light. Here are 15 pictures of Martin Scorsese plying his craft throughout his career, on set.

Mean Streets (1973)

Taxi Driver (1976)

New York, New York (1977)

Raging Bull (1980)

The King of Comedy (1983)

After Hours (1985)

The Last Temptation of Christ (1988)

Goodfellas (1990)

Casino (1995)

Kundun (1997)

Gangs of New York (2002)

The Aviator (2004)

The Departed (2006)

Shutter Island (2010)

Hugo (2011)


Filed under Movies

20 responses to “15 Images of Martin Scorsese on Set

  1. what a selection! wonderful… 🙂 thanks for this. keep sharing. regards… ^^

  2. Beard-less Mean Streets Scorsese looks a little like Keith Moon.

  3. You know that back in the 1970’s and prior to that those photos weren’t accessible ’cause it would diminish the “magic” of the making of motion pictures. But with the growing cinephile interest and the rise of television they had to give something more.
    Those are superb photos.
    And I wanted to add that in Taxi Driver, we see Marty two times. The second time is very obvious in the taxi when saying that he suspects that his wife is cheating on him. But the first time he is sitting on some kind of curb during and camera movement just after the openning of the film. I know I’m a geek and I fully stand by it…

    • The first time I saw Taxi Driver, I didn’t catch his first appearance. Only the second one where he’s in the cab. But when I saw it in the theater a few months back, I couldn’t miss him. I overheard a few other people around me whispering about it, too.

  4. Love it! Well done LaRue!

  5. That’s awesome. My day is cooler due to this post. Thank you. 😀

  6. Yeah, he had an awesome beard back in the day. I’d like to see it return.

  7. Interesting director not just because of his body of work but because of the relationships he develops with his actors. Goodfellas is one of my all-time favorites, check out my review http://amandalovesmovies.com/2012/02/17/goodfellas/

  8. Nice! What a sweet face with such a mind of crazy! (in a good way) Genius in bearded men.

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