Tag Archives: Curt Flood

Great Baseball Documentaries That Aren’t Ken Burns’ Baseball

HBO recently debuted one of their latest sports documentaries- The Curious Case of Curt Flood. Not surprisingly, it was excellent. After watching it, it made me think of the loads and loads of other great baseball documentaries (not including Ken Burns’ mammoth transcendent masterpiece, Baseball). Here are some of my favorites:

PBS American Exerience: Clementé
The American Experience creators are masters at tapping into the viewer’s emotions and this one is certainly no exception. In fact, it might be an ideal example. Even knowing how the “story” ends- with Clemente dying during a humanitarian effort to bring aid to his native Latin America- it still hit me in the gut when this episode reached that point. My only real complaint, and it’s a tiny one, is that they could have spent so much more time detailing Clementé’s life. At just under one hour, an awful lot was left unsaid about an extremely inspirational character (particularly for those in the Latino community). Admittedly, this was something of a perfect storm for me- I’m an avid baseball fan and I love PBS’ American Experience series. If either of these things intrigue you, this one registers as a must-see. Continue reading


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