Tag Archives: Mr. Snrub

The Eleven Best Fake Names from The Simpsons

One of the things that has made The Simpsons so wonderful through the years- mostly through the first ten years- is that the humor is so rich. It shows up everywhere- on street signs, storefront names, spinning newspapers, etc… Along those lines, there has been a flood of hilarious and wonderful fake names given by various characters throughout the show’s run. Here are the eleven best. It is, admittedly, a very Homer-and-Bart-centric list. Also noteworthy is that this should not be confused with the names from Bart’s prank calls to Moe’s, or with the various animal names that have shown up through the years:

When Homer successfully becomes a monorail conductor, Bart expresses pride. This prompts Homer to offer Bart a name change to Homer, Junior. “The kids can call you Ho-Ju!”, he urges.  

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Filed under Humor, TV Shows