Tag Archives: Albert Brooks

The Third Annual TDYLFie Awards

It's a major award!

It’s a major award!

The end of the year is just around the corner, which means it’s time for a bunch of lazy journalists to do their year-end best and worst lists. But why should they have all the fun? I’m lazy too. And I’ve established an award for this stuff two years in a row now–the TDYLFie. I’m going to capitalize on that laziness for an easy article. First, let’s establish some scope. I don’t see nearly enough new releases to make any sort of reasonable “Best/Worst of This Year” list. Thus, this list will be comprised of movies that I’ve seen this year only, which will run the gamut from era to era, genre to genre, and on and on. In reality, this is more of a list about my own experience watching movies this year than it is about anything that was released in this year. Without further delay, here is the awards program for the 3rd Annual TDYLFies. Continue reading


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The 8 Best Parodies of Gone With the Wind

Thanks to the Warner Brothers Blu-ray Elite program, I recently received a free copy of Gone With the Wind (1939). The holiday weekend afforded me a chance to re-visit the sweeping epic. I’ll have a review up soon enough, but for now, I’d like to discuss the copious amount of times the film has been parodied. As I re-watched it, I couldn’t help but think of many, many times it’s been spoofed through the years. Here are my eight favorites. Continue reading


Filed under Movies

The AFI 100 Laughs Experience

As regular readers of this site know, I’ve made it my goal to watch the entire AFI 100 Years, 100 Laughs list in 2012. When I started the process, I had already seen 57 films, leaving me with 43 to watch. It’s more or less consumed my movie-watching this year, and with good reason. It’s been an enlightening experience. Admittedly, I’m putting the cart before the horse here a little bit. I still have three more to go before I can cross everything off the list. That said, I’ve enjoyed the 40 that I’ve seen enough that I wanted to share some observations. Continue reading


Filed under Movies

The New Year’s Resolutions: Round Four

I’ve been updating my New Year’s movie-watching resolutions once a month. At the time of my last entry, I’d lost momentum on a few of them, but picked up steam on some others. Just like a month ago, I’m nearing completion on a handful of these. I’m still not quite there but at least two specific goals are within striking distance now. Continue reading


Filed under Movies