Tag Archives: Television

Strain(ge) Magic


As you can tell from my infrequent posting, I haven’t had a lot of time to watch TV or movies over the last few months. It has been an enormously busy summer that has included trips to Toronto, Washington DC, Baltimore (for 4 hours), and Cincinnati, as well as a new venture. This is in addition to greatly increased hours at my job and continued freelance work for movies.com (I had LOTS of fun doing 1984 marketing tie-ins to 2014 summer movies with John Gholson). That said, I have had time to fall head over heels in love with Guillermo del Toro’s jaunt into the world of television- The Strain. Continue reading


Filed under Television, TV Shows

My Proposal for Saving the Walking Dead


I don’t really watch The Walking Dead so much as I hate-watch it these days. I realize that I’m part of the problem. But I have also come up with a solution. I know exactly how to save the show. Here’s my plan, in screenplay form, for how to bring the show to a conclusion. Continue reading


Filed under Television, TV Shows

The Great Big TV Scoreboard 2


Almost a year ago to the day (ok, within 2 weeks), I wrote about my weird obsession with ranking TV shows. It’s a side effect of the discussions I have with my friend, Marty. A lot has changed in the last year. Some shows have taken  a step forward, I’ve become familiar with others, and some shows have taken horrible steps into the abyss. It’s time to update the Great Big TV Scoreboard.

As you may recall from last year, this is all about the premium cable drama. Comedies and network shows are excluded. Continue reading


Filed under Television, TV Shows

Infographic: The Final Death Toll in Breaking Bad


One of the most popular pieces at TDYLF has been The Death Toll on Breaking Bad, an infographic that I created last September at the conclusion of season 5A of Breaking Bad. When people contact me, the most common request I get- by far- is to update that piece once the series is over. Well, the series is now officially over. And the infographic has been updated. Consider your requests granted. Continue reading


Filed under Television, TV Shows

Breaking Bad Character Baseball Jerseys


As almost all of you are probably aware, Breaking Bad is about to wrap up the entire series this weekend. It’s been one hell of a ride for my favorite (and for my money, the best) TV show. Since the next few days represent my last chance to write about it or honor it in any way, I’ve decided to blow it out with one more big visual Breaking Bad-themed article. I’ve cooked up baseball jerseys for many of the key characters. Some have Major League jersey equivalents, although you certainly don’t need to be familiar with those as any sort of precursor. Here are baseball jerseys for various key Breaking Bad characters. Enjoy! Continue reading


Filed under Television, TV Shows

Graph: The Skyline of Cable Drama


After mapping out the Metacritic histories of Dexter vs. Breaking Bad a few weeks back, I started to wonder how other premium cable shows would look. And so, with an idea firmly in place, I started collecting the data. I cooked up a list of Metacritic scores for every season of every drama that has either aired or is currently airing on HBO, Showtime, AMC, and F/X. Then, I had to cull the data. For instance, some shows only aired for one year. Others were missing Metacritic scores for certain seasons, a result of not enough critic reviews for Metacritic to assign a score. Those type of shows couldn’t be used. By the time it was all over, I had complete season-by-season Metacritic scores for 23 shows. After I graphed them out, I realized that it looks a lot like a skyline. Here’s the result. Continue reading


Filed under Television, TV Shows

Colorizing Breaking Bad: The Addendum


My Breaking Bad color charts have gotten a lot of attention since the show came back. It’s been overwhelming. And while the reaction has been mostly positive (thanks, internet!), I feel like I need to add a few notes to clarify the original article. Continue reading


Filed under Television, TV Shows

A Tale of Two Series


It was the best of finales. It was the worst of finales. It was the age of crackling screenwriting, it was the age of foolish plots. It was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity. It was the season of White, it was the season of dark passengers. In short, this noisy authority insists on two TV shows being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only. What the Dickens am I talking about? Why, the final seasons of Dexter and Breaking Bad, happening concurrently, of course. Continue reading


Filed under Television, TV Shows

Chekov’s Pie: My Breaking Bad Theory


Breaking Bad Mania has continued all this week on the heels of what was a spectacular opening episode- Blood Money– kicking off the final 8 episodes last Sunday. The conspiracy theorists are out in full force, often with mind-blowing (and fascinating) speculation. I’ve developed my own theory, and it’s all based on what seems like a throwaway moment from Blood Money. Continue reading


Filed under Movies, Television, TV Shows

Infographic: Colorizing Walter White’s Decay


The final eight episodes of Breaking Bad begin tonight. It’s been a brilliant show throughout, mastering tension, continuity, and the ultimate character arc to create something special. It’s the attention to detail that makes the show great. And that attention to detail extends as far as the colors worn by the various characters. I’ve tried to illustrate it with an infographic showing every color worn by the characters most affected by Walter White’s decisions, along with Walter himself. Continue reading


Filed under Television, TV Shows