Tag Archives: The Blob

My Criterion Top 10: Steve Habrat


I’m running contributions from some of my favorite film critics, writers, and theorists from around the internet for the next few weeks. Each writer is listing their top 10 from the Criterion Collection. The Criterion Top 10 Series kicks off week two with a contribution from Steve Habrat of Anti-Film School. Steve is brimming with enthusiasm for all cinema, but he’s truly an ace regarding grindhouse, exploitation, and retro aesthetics, as well as horror. In fact, many of you may remember that Steve has previously contributed at tdylf with Miracle on 42nd Street, a retrospective on New York’s 42nd Street movie scene. Steve has also been featured on Total Film online under “3 Cool Film Blogs to Visit”; GuysNation; Flights, Tights, and Movie Nights; Furious Cinema; and the Grindhouse Cinema Database. You may find him on Twitter @antifilmschool. Continue reading


Filed under Movies

Eat My Ten Favorite Shorts from the Simpsons’ Treehouse of Horror

One of my favorite parts of each October is the Simpsons’ Treehouse of Horror episode. Major League Baseball wreaks havoc with it, forcing it to air on a different date each year, but it’s never been a reason for me to miss it. Including this year’s episode, which aired on October 7th, there have now been 24 Treehouse of Horror episodes, each possessing a trio of horror shorts. That’s a grand total of 72 Simpsons‘ horror shorts. Here are my ten favorite. Continue reading


Filed under Humor, Television, TV Shows

Aliens Throughout History

Tonight, I finally watched The Day the Earth Stood Still- the 1951 original. It’s quite an impressive film. I’m not the biggest sci-fi fan but there’s little denying that it was both well-made and influential. In the long run, it made me wonder, “How can I turn this into a mildly pointless entry for TDYLF?”. TA-DA! Here are a bunch of aliens throughout history, presented chronologically. Perhaps seeing them chronologically will say something to you from a sociological vantage point about what scared and/or fascinated people throughout the various decades. As for how I’m viewing it? Look at the goofy pictures of aliens!

1948, Looney Tunes

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Filed under Movies, TV Shows