Tag Archives: Game of Thrones

Tales from the Synapses

The other day, I realized that I hadn’t posted anything in a few weeks. Rather than letting TDYLF remain dormant, now seemed like as good a time as any to bang out a quick article. Of course, I don’t have any specific focus. However, I do have a lot of random thoughts to dump out of my head. Let’s do this Larry King-style, with a bunch of meandering garbage that’s crept in and out of my skull in the last few weeks. Continue reading


Filed under Movies, Television, TV Shows

A Very Special (Red) Wedding Invitation


If you’re all caught up with Game of Thrones, then you realize that a very special wedding just took place. It was the kind of event that serves as a game changer for audiences. If you’re like me, that means you’re as big a fan of the show as ever. If you’re not caught up, then HURRY UP, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, so you can open this wedding invitation marking the event. Also, if you’re not caught up, stop reading because I don’t want to be responsible for spoiling anything. Continue reading


Filed under Television, TV Shows

Tale of the Tape: Bear Pit Fight Scenes


If you watch Game of Thrones, then you know that there was recently an epic scene involving a pit with a bear in it, a blonde, and a heroic idiot who risked his life to save her. In other words, it was just like that scene in Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy. For all of their similarities, there were a few differences. Which bear pit scene was better? Only through the magic of the tale of the tape can we find out. Continue reading


Filed under Humor, Movies, Television, TV Shows

Fun With Netflix Viewer Reviews: TV Show Edition

It’s time yet again for the article that’s easy for me and fun for you- Fun with Netflix Viewer Reviews! Volume eighteen of Netflix viewers writing funny reviews focuses on TV shows. These are presented completely unedited. Even when you think I might have edited something in or out of the copy, I assure you that I have not. Continue reading


Filed under Humor, Television, TV Shows

Game of Thrones: The Flowchart


Season three of Game of Thrones is just a few short weeks around the corner. Fans of the show are all anxiously waiting to find out the fates of Daenerys, the Imp, Robb Stark, Jon Snow, and all the rest. To put fans of the show in the mood, I’ve created this flowchart. Enjoy! Continue reading


Filed under Humor, Television, TV Shows

Ten Ideas for Game of Thrones Spinoffs


Game of Thrones was back in the news earlier this week by releasing a new trailer for season three, which begins on March 31. Given the way season two ended- DRAGONS! WHITE WALKERS!- it’s awfully easy to be thrilled about the upcoming season. I’m so thrilled, in fact, that I recently got my obligatory previous season re-watch out of the way, gobbling up season 2 in less than a week. The show’s vast expanse of intriguing characters has made me realize that there are a lot of spinoffs from that show that I’d watch. Continue reading


Filed under Humor, Television, TV Shows

The 10 Best TV Show Title Sequences

I am a total sucker for TV show title sequences. In a matter of a minute or two, title sequences teleport us into the world that the show’s creators present for us. They put us in the mood and they evoke everything that the show is about. Here are the 10 best. Continue reading


Filed under Television, TV Shows

Game of Thrones Sigils Re-Imagined Using Hanna-Barbera Characters

Part of the fun of Game of Thrones is the depth of the universe created by George R.R. Martin and HBO. Visit the Viewer’s Guides on HBO’s website and you’ll realize just how much time and effort they’ve put into their creation. There are maps, family trees, family slogans (their “words”, as it were), brief histories of each of the houses, and sigils for each house. A sigil is a sign, or banner, inscribed with magical powers. If you were a sociologist, you might think of these sigils as the power animals for the respective houses of Game of Thrones. As it turns out, the Hanna-Barbera universe also had a lot of powerish animals. And… well, I think you see where this is going. Continue reading


Filed under Humor, TV Shows

Game of Thrones: The Quiz

HBO will begin airing the second season of Game of Thrones this Saturday. All of your old friends from the Seven Kingdoms- well, MOST of your old friends from the Seven Kingdoms- will be back on your TV, regaling you with tales of the Starks, Lannisters, Targaryens, Baratheons, and the rest. To help put you in the mood, and to refresh your memory about season one, I’ve put together a quiz. Continue reading


Filed under TV Shows

Return Dates for 2012 Cable TV Dramas

The next few weeks will be big if you’re a fan of cable and premium cable drama. Two of the heavyweights of cable TV drama will start their next seasons on the heels of the season 2 finale of The Walking Dead. It can be maddening if you’re a fan of these shows, waiting for the networks to wrap up production and air the next season. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve done a google search for this information the last few years, I’d… well, I’d probably have $50. But you get the idea. To help, I’ve compiled some updates (as of March 19) for the return of your favorite cable TV dramas. Continue reading


Filed under Boardwalk Empire, TV Shows