Tag Archives: Cheers

The 10 Best TV Show Title Sequences

I am a total sucker for TV show title sequences. In a matter of a minute or two, title sequences teleport us into the world that the show’s creators present for us. They put us in the mood and they evoke everything that the show is about. Here are the 10 best. Continue reading


Filed under Television, TV Shows

The TV Confessional

Bless me, father, for I have sinned. My last confession was… well, never. I’ve never confessed TV sins, or any sins of any kind.  And actually, I have no clue how to give a real confession because I’m not Catholic. But I do have some TV confessions to make. Have mercy on my soul. Just don’t expect me to repent. Continue reading


Filed under Movies

17 TV Characters Who Probably Have Venereal Diseases

We’ve all seen these characters- the clichéd character whose monstrous sexual desires can’t be quenched. But where are the consequences? Let’s face reality. Many of our favorite TV characters probably had sexually transmitted diseases. Here are seventeen TV characters who most likely have felt the burn and/or had to use a very special shampoo:

1. Larry Dalliapoulos, Three’s Company
He was the scourge of the Regal Beagle. And his clearly defined womanizing role was key to the show’s plot. How many times did he rope Jack into the highjinx, only  to have Jack find himself in the odd position of denying his heterosexuality to Mr. and Mrs. Roper, or Mr. Furley? Continue reading


Filed under Humor, TV Shows

TV Characters and Their Favorite Baseball Teams

Major League Baseball’s opening day is just around the corner. In some baseball-crazed households (mine) and baseball mad cities (St. Louis), it might as well be a citywide holiday. In preparation for it, and in the hopes of appeasing Annie Savoy’s baseball Gods, here are some famous (and some not so famous) TV characters and their favorite baseball teams.

The Entire Cast of Cheers, Boston Red Sox
So much of this show revolved around baseball. The show’s male lead and bar owner, Sam Malone (Ted Danson) was a former pitcher for the Sox. Coach Ernie Pantusso, one of Malone’s coaches and two-time league leader in HBP’s, was one of the bartenders. Real life Red Sox great Wade Boggs made a guest appearance on the show and got pantsed by the gang. And Carla Maria Victoria Angelina Teresa Apollonia Lozupone Tortelli LeBec (Rhea Perlman) once bludgeoned an obnoxious Yankee fan’s head by banging it into the bar. It was baseball fandom at its best.

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Filed under TV Shows

Ten Fictional TV Businesses that I Wish Were Real

Presented in no particular order…

1. Shitty Wok, South Park

Why yes, generic Chinese restaurant guy stereotype. As a matter of fact, I would like to try the Shitty Chicken.

2. Satriale’s, The Sopranos

Knowing what we all know about what went on in that place, I’m not sure I could enjoy a sandwich in there. I really don’t want my capicola being sliced on the same slicer that was used to hack up hundreds of corpses. But the ambiance alone would make it a worthwhile trip. Continue reading


Filed under Humor, TV Shows